Thursday, November 7, 2013

New Blog

New Photo

New Photo of Me

+ Twitter Pic

 photo 2013-05-28-2.png


I don't wanna sit here and fight with you, you perverted person.  You're messing me up.  This is so stupid.  I don't wanna think @ you like this.


What all do I have to apologize for, now?

Did everyone find..

Di zeit ist reif

by Swedish Siw Inger?


You wanna know something even more stupid-

I shouldn't care @ my daughter.  GO TO HELL STUPID A HA HA HA

This experiment thing is stupid.

Now my mom has glasses.  Ithought she wasn't wearing them.  Just to drive and I think still school.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tyring to Get Better

I'm feeling better.  I just need to avoid people..  How?  What I said was maybe disapproved of by some but most don't care.
How am I gonna refresh myself if you're always talking to me?

When I say stupid


I'm speaking collectively and no one.

I'm so good

and you just SHIT at me




You all

just hold onto negative uptight energy and don't have the big picture like me.  Ask anyone.

It is better not to..

..just come in too opened up.

Also, I don't have a social problem, other people do..

On Twitter

When I said **** I didn't mean anyone in particular, just a hazy memory of something that's not funny where I can't really seem to defend myself nor get away.


I added jk to my post on Tim Burton..the Great!




I caught and deleted the double post @ the play.

My Day

I'm feeling better now.  I did a recipe of chicken and corn .. and later burger, dog, and some candy, feeling okay.

"Make a Wish"

So, I wish to sing with girls my age and get famous.  I also wish to meet prestigious people for singing.  I have sung, but maybe it'd be fun to see other people like meet Sarah Brightman.  She could do a whole concert on TV!  Why not??

What's wrong with my parents today?

My mom was being mean, as usual.  I made some noises, like it hurt her.  My dad was mad cuz my mom is younge ran he wants her to like puff him up for being from a generation of something that's not popular..  Like, I did some things, and it seemed to hurt her.  I will not bow down to Sarah Brightman as younger in any way.


Now I have to worry @ a, not really crazy, but a "crazy" lady at my back for commenting that Ellen told her to dress up in a costume I liked for Halloween just to take it out on me that she thinks I'm not in her kind of crowd and control what I am in the world like that.  Why doesn't she get that?  And today I said something to her I didn't like, and it was like Ellen.

Anyway, I think she had a sweet costume, a candy lady, didn't really like it with candy all over but guess it'll make the people laugh.. maybe that was good enough for Ellen.  :{  She just doesn't like me as a person.  She likes those little teens, ultimately, like everyone, and like they have to be endorsed in her every action or naturally like everyone else.  :|

Did you know

in the Flower Duet I had to sing the soprano spot int he Alto (Mezzo) line?
So, you can tell I hate people who are mean to me from going along with the crowd.


Is Ellen a human beeen?  I should be able to do "what" she does..

The bubbles meant

a ring for another beta

I found

I can give bubbling betta boy away..
I'm cancelling 3 job interviews.


Do you know about what I don't got?


I starred on my Twitter bio the 1st Disney pass I have.

High School

I started out just wanting to get a job.

2nd year was Queen of Clubs in the school paper.

3rd year was in theater and stuff.

4th year I left the public and Baptist schools completely and joined NOCCA|Riverfront (arts school) and went to the Catholic school there and had gotten more into, with a f.e. (foreign exchange) student .. I was more wanting to do all music for Loyola in NO and was into just going and sitting @ the football games with a Letter Jacket, though no I didn't get the Letter on..  AH IT IS SO STRESSFUL LIKE HELL HERE I CAN'T RELAX LIKE THE BIG EASY

I 1st Saw "West Side Story"

at the movies with my dad in Orlando.

The Songs from "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum"

are from when I did keyboard for other instrument parts in Slidell across the bridge from New Orleans.

I also tagged

the Lisa Kelly post.  }:}


I was going through my stuff in case anyone out there gave a *beep* but I tagged the Sarah Brightman post.  ^66^


I rated the songs-

List of Musical Theater Composers

Lerner & Loewe (sp?)
ALW - Andrew Lloyd Webber
Stephen Sondheim
Rogers & Hammerstein
Leanard & Bernstein


Ellen is pushy and stereotypical to be funny @ her being from the New Orleans area.


Ellen who do you wanna become, cuz it's gonna be something that's of use to me .. not oh I'm gonna be some fugly girl who doesn't give a shit @ people like Christina.


does Ellen DeGeneres get a kick outta hurting me?  I think I have support that I'm not actually shit.

I can't trust what you say, like I don't think so really.  You think I am just some fugly girl.

I don't really give a fuck @ other people.. like you think I was spoiled.


Suspicious posting and shitting @ my future kids.


So why did Blogger add something stupid, a +1 in bold blue italics on the sides of these posts?


All the talk shows suck.  They insult you for saying the truth.  Oh for God's sake go hurl yourself.

Kids Sooner to Make Sure

I am not infertile, but it was okay they said not having my female thing as strongly.

Only Thing Worthwhile

I grew up with adults around me dizzy @ if I should do gymnastics or if that's the only reason I was shit.  It was great stress doing just enough exercise and not as much as I'd like.


They keep ruining stuff of mine if I have a hard time with something.


Did someone make my YouTube playlist not keep playing?



So, Ellen, you didn't know my 1 inkling|yearning for passion WAS my fear that Pennsylvania was trashed and I'm not really from where I'm fwom!

YouTube Comment


She walks out as if she is different. I mean like probably better but not really. Very beautiful so far.. I think she assumed that the Japanese or whatever part of Asia this is, that they couldn't be attractive, so she was more humble.

New Videos

New Videos of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png

Did you know that..

Did you know Ellen gets mad at you for something you don't know that you did wrong?
So, is it time for me to die?


I hda toi go back and tag th post.

UGH I just materialized a thought that peopel could see me type my IM.


I wa sthinking of a boy from England and they turned off my cell phone early.


I don't mean to be insulting but see how Sarah Brightman waltzes off like she's younger than everyone.
These annoying people cahaning my computer to be slow and making talkinc glicks won't stop.


If Sarah Brightman's life -is- music, then why does she act like a spoiled baby.. I mean being born in 1960?  Does it look like I can be as cool with other people around me?

My life is -not- music, it's blogging and in a way real life.


I need to get out, and I will be, though..


Someone in my room said they'd kill my daughter in a maze.  I thought of something violent, and now they're gonna blame me.  I feel like hitting something.  My face doesn't feel good because of those videos being taken down.  I hate these tacky people.
So, why are my Salmen videos disappearing?

Website Quote


I'm sure I'm shaped well enough to play Miss Violet Beauregarde on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Who WOULD have a problem

With Sarah Brightman being a Late Boomer?  Or being even younger than your own parents?

Facebook Post


Lisa Kelly's student

She seems nice, has an accent like mine cuz I'm Pennsylvanian but also New Yo'ker. I thought people in the South had a voice like a bell or horn or something. I thought there was a regular drawl. Is this just the adults? I know it's like that in the Northeast, NYC and Boston?


My 2nd computer, the internet stopped working as I was loading videos.


My dad is "weird."  He wants to give Sarah Brightman a gift of her being a Late Boomer and saying I'm shit just for the soundoff.  Why does he think I care @ him?  He doesn't really drink alcohol, but I don't know what happens when you do.

My dad is pretty neat, but he's trying to act emotional.


Why are people who are older than me suddenly younger?  Maybe, it doesn't matter.  I mean, I can't just hang with the old folks.  This is really annoying.  Should I turn into a hermit?

I mean, I am just really really annoyed by older people who are @ my parents's ages + .

Website Quote


No one cares how they treat me, anymore.


Also, my internet keeps being slow since I moved it last.  I am guessing it is old and I dragged it on the bumpy tile that has ,aube sand there.  I know my cell phone suddenly works now.  Is this some kind of a joke?  What you want me to talk to my fish all day?  That's not what pets are for.
Since when has this fish become a big deal?  Everyone just says oh fish are easy you don't do anything but shovel out poo, well this fish doesn't poo, and every time I put a little food in the water gets murky.  I never heard of that.  I mean, I am supposed to only clean the bowl once a week.  I think they sell cheap, affordable filters, however.  I think I clean the bowl 3 times a week.  However, I sometimes feel I need to clean it more.  It also only eats like 4 times a week, not every day.  It's a betta, very sweeet, but hard to give away I bet.  I think it's bored of me, so I will contact the pet stores.  My dad wanted it, but I think he's kidding.  I happened to go in that aisle by accident.  I actually got it cuz I wanted sea monkeys, which I might get in December.  They live in a little long tube.


It was very grounded and surrounded by an aura of surrealism.  It had  lots of stress.  I just remember having seen my Gramma smile a bit kooky feeling and putting her hands around just below my shoulders.  It wa a long drema, don't remember much now.  I woke up once and went back to bed..

The room was a rustic blue, possibly hinting being shiny and like those abstract statues people make and put in front of buildings, like the squares and stuff.  There were other people.

I'm too tired to remember.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Might go to sleep soon or lie down and listen to music and eat again.


This weekend!  A year pass.

Sous le Dame Epais (sp?)

I can already play the 1st page of the main part..  Not up to speed nor in front of someone as well.


may or may not post

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New Photo

New Photo of Me

 photo 2013-05-28-2.png

I'm using it for Twitter.
Looking fo' this

26:13 to the end
piano song

Am I really..

..running outta vocabulary?  I asked my therapist a question this morning and she said yes..
Did I tell you I just had my 1st crawfish?

The crawfish, I got a bit of a plate of.  I used my fork and fingers and quickly got most of them open - Speedy Gonzalez.  px'

Mobile Soon

may or may not post

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If you think @ it, you neer kn

who will come up and take away your chances of being famous nor even a success at any task.

Well, get along, will ya love?

If you have to be blonde to "do it," when can I just even live my life..


Are you gonna take me seriously.. why are kids of Late Boom parents so spoiled?  We're not allowed to do what they do, watch us try.  That is a sin.  Like, they feel comfortable @ being silly and pleasured too much, and we don't seem to ever make it in what we do in the world.  Like, they are made to feel comfortable about feeling emotions, like they are so much more precious.  Then, you blame us for them not getting enough nutrition and nurturing.  A worthy topic, of course.

I also hear they suggest we feel too goofy in a bad way.  They're spoiled brats with nothing okay to say.  Everyone forgot @ us.



I think something someone does who was upset @ me explaining what Ginny not reprimanding me but kicking me out in the end was like.


Now, it'll be stuck in the readers's head, too.


Why are you still bothering me.. and threatening me @ having 2 kids?  What do you think this is?  Look, you're the 1 being bad and nonsensical.  That kinda stuff really affects me.  That brings back shitty memories.  I've taken a break from school and should be feeling better as far as being able to have children..

Well, yea, I can say you seem to have a problem with Ginny, who got me on a psych pill.

O Wow

You're treating me like I'm stupid.  Like, oh, what I said was a big deal.  This is my blog, and it is not a big deal.  It wasn't some outrageous thing.. compared to what else is happening.  So, what would you say, instead?  See, it was just some thing to you.


Well, sorry, if I hurt Ginny's feelings..  I take it back.  The only problem is it's just a vocabulary action and might come up somehow, like even a thought you'll notice.  Something like it.  Plus, that's how others joke around, maybe not always using a word like that.  So, it'd be nice if you figured it out.

Monday, November 4, 2013

New Video

New Video of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png


I can express myself without k***ing myself.  I heard clicks in the privacy of my room, and it felt like some of my fluffy face left.  My hands are on the watch, though.

It was indeed disgusting my teacher Ginny got me kicked out without saying anything.  It was mean and wrong.

QUIT THREATENING ME.  How can I get this to stop?


I made it my profile photo on Twitter.

New Photo

New Photo of Me

 photo 2013-05-28-2.png

Clear Footage of..

Ms. Sarah Brightman on tour.

I think it's the 2nd ½.



Need to go to bed, soon.


 photo 2013-05-27-3.png


My Gramma is NOT nice like she was and seemed to promise to be.

I will not sit here and f*** around on if I can feel good.. like from another person.

YouTube Comment

Sarah Brightman


Wow, it looks like this'll be cool when I get around to watching it. Thanks so much for posting!

Well, I just watched it and I have so much to say, noticed so much! I also love the Phantom of the Opera part. She has so many high points.. Time to Say Goodbye, beautiful, as well. I sorely wanted to record Scarborough Fair but didn't but gave a standing ovation. Thank you so much for sharing! :)


may or may not post

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Not disgusted.. was eating Indian food and had to leave, almost hurled.  I need to start cooking, nothing to eat.

My throat was too sensitive drinking water.

Bought 2 Songs

Hijo de la Luna

by Sarah Brightman

Ruining the World

My uncles and I have big ear lobes.
Weren't you already aware of the importance of not retreating to oh I hafe an older mom so I don't have to want the Late Baby Boom generation .. that they had a more pristine, spoiled rotten childhood??

Getting on Top

I found my dad thinks not even my job can put me in the proper position of power over others, including if he's in my life..

Failed Adults

Adults in my life always say to do something and then act like it's too late and like we aren't thinking independently, but I sure showed them what my business does.

This sounds like Jimmy Fallon.  However, from him, I find perversion.  :(  I mean, like he thinks we need it.

Job Applications

I applied online for 3 jobs.

1 is in Miami, an office job.  The other is an office job here for people moving, like students, in Orlando.  The 3rd is an "office" job @ the Hilton.  They didn't have no requirements.
I M O N M Y D I E T - no more negative energy and poison

New Videos

New Videos of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png


I got the intense core fusion workout for $10 to view online via  It has different sections over an hour.  This 1st was more stretchy and between 5 and 10 minutes.

It's not all @ core, though, but seems to stress it.  There are other cool DVDs ofit.


Edited Layout + Bio

 photo 2013-05-27-2-1.png


I said it was disgusting that my teacher kicked me outta her class with no warning.  It seems everyone knows I said that and that it wasn't okay.  She has lots of weird ideas, was mean to me for showering and dressing up nicely for each class, which I think is not a pleasant thing to say nor pay attention to like it's true.  I exercised in the morning at the college.

Oh, the problem is I ended up with other people sending me to a mental hospital and being stuck on medicine as long as I am with my parents!  I knew that could happen.

What's wrong with me saying disgusting, maybe she just feels guilty?  I mean, she didn't warn me.  She wanted me out that way.  I was in trouble for no reason.  She did annoy me a lot, and sometimes I was upset.  It made me better, though, going to school there.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


in a while..


may or may not post

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I'm applying to work in Miami Beach, see if I get it..


Why is everyone m.. to the fact I can't sing as in private lessons as a child?  I did sing as a child..  I was an adamant learner.


I edited the layout.

 photo 2013-05-27-2-1.png


Website - Quotes

Thinking ahead, that works.  Do what you want in the end now.

New Video

New Video of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png
A beat can sound cool even if you don't know music-


Is Sarah Brightman's obsession with space a bit babyish, but not in an insulting way..?  It's nice, though.  I just saw an ad.


I saw that smile on Ellen's face thinking I figured something wrong in NOLA.

That's so humiliating like my aunt thinking of how my life has been.  So rude, too, though.  She's constantly an annoyance..

Tis Tis

My aunt born sometime April 1960 and Ellen DeGeneres are very rude @ tween daughters.  My aunt constantly.

Sorry it sounds like an insult, but maybe you see the point of the idea, too.  I just had to talk @ it somehow and am busy..


The tweeny bopper of Material Girl has a totally hoarse voice that makes her sound like a young steed.


Sick from llallo'een.
TV Show

How do things like this end up, anyway?

How do you think most people get by by like not posting online when they're mad at you?

The Flower Duet

The Flower Duet

Sous  le  dôme épais
Under the dome thick

Soo oo le e dawm ay ay pay

Où    le  blanc jasmin
Where the white jasmine

Oo lay blawn jazz mawn

À  la  rose s’assemble
At the rose together

Ah ah la a rose sawn blah

Sur   la  rive  en fleurs,
About the shore in flowers

Sewr la reev ahn fleyu

Riant    au matin
laughing to morning

Ree ahn too metawn

Viens, descendons ensemble.
come   descend    together

Vee awn dee sawn dawn sawn blah

Doucement glissons
gently    floating

Doo Smo Glee Sone (S'ne)

De  son flot charmant
Its risings  charming

Di sone flore char mont

Suivons   le  courant fuyant:
Following the current fleeing:

Swee vone leh-ooh core aun fwee aunt (aun)

Dans lon de frmissante,
In   lon    simmering,

Done lone enduh freh mee saunt (saun)

Dune main nonchalante,
On   hand nonchalant

Deeoon menoonchahlaunt

IMDb Posts

Re: Please dont

by Invincible_Darkhorse101
I'd have said it less bluntly, but yeah, agreed.

by ChristinaAnnBarrett-OrlFL1986
Katy Perry thinks she acts English because she wants to be Ms. Mary Poppins in a hopefully decided remake..

by Invincible_Darkhorse101
I'd prefer the lesser evil twin, Zooey Deschanel.

by ChristinaAnnBarrett-OrlFL1986
I guess I'd prefer to learn to be more English..

Zoey Deschanel is cute.. She has small thick fingernails. I saw on Ellen, her nails painted at the award..

by catman56
A pity she can't act.

by ChristinaAnnBarrett-OrlFL1986
Do you get excited to see what you find?  Someone being mean but not really.

Watcha Think

What do you think of uselessly wasting my time or yours dwelling on something I did that wasn't that bad as anyone made it out to be?


The Soapbox

Re: If you hate america.

No, I live htere 


Re: If God is unchangeable (immutable)

Well, start off the way you want to be, don't wait for the end.

Re: Question about the definition of medical privacy
I am sorta stuck in a home, with parents. I wanna leave. My mom said I have to take psych pills "because the doctor said," but it's ultimately my decision.

Re: Weight Loss

Well, start off slowly, like instead of what you usually eat, just go 1 step down. I actually took a big step and eventually would get a salad each dinner.

The Soapbox

My Gramma..

Well, I thought they wanted me to do it..
.. some people experimenting on me ..

Waring Me Away

Why does my Gramma seem to do that?  Why isn't my aunt talking to me?  She might, this time.  I wanted my cousin online not sending private letters, the last of which she did not respond..

but my gramma is old like she talks @ age.  She thinks she has no choice but to hurt me, seems she took advantange and "is not fogir


I added the full names.


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Website - New Quotes Page

New Videos

New Videos of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png

YouTube Comment


Sarah Brightman Concert

Thank you so much for posting this. The concert was just last night! Everyone was recording this, and I felt left out. This was so beautiful I watched it twice so far! I hope the views get up. This piece she sings it sounds so melodic and smooth! It is so divine and perfected. Her movements, as well, are very good. If you're interested, I'm wanting to add 1 basic ballet class to my weekly schedule. I also am a singer. Wow, I loved the effects, too. Such divine singing! :) :) :)


I fixed the link to the 1st song on my Twitter.


Website - Ethnicity at the bottom of About Me


I forgot to rate Titanic - 6/10.  The 1 I sang, the video on YouTube.

What Else Disgusts Me :@

When older people who are attractive all push away younger people like me for reasons like I told them my real race.

Makes Sense

What I hate is older people suddenly acting all psycho like I did something because of Tim Burton and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I give not 1 ounce of approval for these attitudes in different ways..

Letting Out My Feelings @

Sarah going into space, I just feel she has a multi-dimensional attitude @ it that she cannot seem to suppress.  I wonder why she wants to go through all that.

What would you do if you were rich??  Hm, I dunno, maybe I'd get popular.

Saturday, November 2, 2013


I added a song to the public appearance part.


New Photo

New Photo of Me

 photo 2013-05-28-2.png

I also made it my Twitter profile picture.

 photo 2013-05-27-2-1.png
Why are you all romancing to my mom says I'm shit?

New Video

New Video of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png

Monday, please come..

I have to call 2 schools for transcripts they never sent and call 2 schools to ask what I need to do and how to get an appeal..

Not Sure What's Wrong

My room is supposedly pretty clean, upset @ having 2 computers, still because 1 ran out of room.  It still won't save stuff.  I feel I need to get outta the house to make my life better, even with my room still at some level of limbo.


I played some loud music, and I just noticed these speakers actually crackle..  It's hard for me to change it, too.  I don't find this okay.  What happened?

So Cute

I was right.  That cool singer Hayley Westenra is loved for being cute, not more intellectual and inhibited- Oh God.


I added the songs to my website as Music Songs, at the end.


I edited the writing and added the link to Dancing Queen.

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I added more to the Twitter bio.

 photo 2013-05-27-2-1.png


I changed my bio section. }:]

 photo 2013-05-27-2-1.png


I edited my webiste on Twitter so it works, added the hyperlink thing..


New Layout

 photo 2013-05-27-2-1.png

It's like

It's like an o.. waiting to happen.


Kids with older parents born @ 1997 or 1998 may have older parents but are still a younger style and younger people..

How Tippy!!!!


Mo' (More)

New Videos

New Videos of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png

What do you think of..

..Madonna's song by these girls as a "tribute??"

They are sweet.

I feel like Cher when I sing it.


Do you ever wish some lunatic would just shut up and stop going through shit?


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How do you wanna explain my mood?  I think I got more mad when my finger was affected by someone on the phone.  Like, it will never stick back.  It just feels a bit different if I think @ it too much and play with it, like hurt or on a stick.

Wow, check it out.

Someone from LA already loaded some songs!  What's Sarah doing now, just walking around, working out, swimming @ a star hotel?

Oh, no!

You think there's a disputable idea of me constantly looking up Sarah Brightman concerts.  Well, I do need to clean my room a bit more, too.  I have stuff out, but it's pretty clean.  I don't do it all the time, but like I'm doing it right now cuz I'm bored.  I wonder I think I'm just gonna go to Disney and try to get in the parade for now.  Sing on my own or college?  I might apply just in case, get transcripts sent out that weren't sent.

Shout! Shout! Let it all out!

I was wondering.. I come across so many misfortunate things in this world.  All the cool celebrities I nit pick from the thorns refuse to Tweet, but Ellen DeGeneres Tweets but not no one else.  It's just me and her..



Oh, sorry, now you care I said something @ my dad I didn't mean in the way you'd think..


I keep getting threatening noises in my house, little clicks, the subtle ways of the computer loading.

I didn't do anything, leave me alone.  You're just mean all the time just about.  Then you say something stupid like I'd give shit for my dad telling you to do it.


Why did I have such a hard time after being kicked outta Music Education?  I didn't know what to do with my life, not as adament.



Just make sure I can't be a successful "a-dult" when I was a Music Education major.  I am great.  Everyone says so.  ':|


I'm gonna have my deLuxe pizza.. like I had a stromboli @ the mall

At Least

I have the support of the general people in public I'll see when I go out.  Just my mom.. and whomever, like I dunno, people online like Twitter some of them.

So Sad

Who knows what this means for people who know me.  To me, it just means I need to eat better food.  I've been watching my sleeping since vacationing.

What else.. What else..

Oh, I -was- in a good mood before.  It just means I'll lose my present type of relationships.  I can even smeel the anger in me.  Maybe, people thought I was stupid for not plugging the stuff in in my dad's computer, it's all ready, just didn't do it, yet.


How much do you enjoy being the 1 everyone turns their head on in public?  I have a jolly time at times, though.


There's a little ticking noise that's annoying sometimes from my computer screen.

Also, my mom kept yelling like I'm telling Dad.. who just says call 911.  I was like why do you keep lashing out like that.

What People Think of Me

They seem to blame the people at the pizza place.  I really wasn't lashing out, cursing at them in my head, just telling myself what's what.  I was upset at the people tagging me there..

I got home and violently washed my hands, though, checked the faucet to make sure it didn't "break" any.  I kept telling my mom, like you're making fun of me for being upset, again.  She said I was complaining overall.  I don't have a normal tone of voice cuz I've no one to talk to.


It's hard to remember.  I remember Ellen showing her Mama as a ghost with a pirate patch, a ghost cat.  She was really small, like a cartoon, in the end.

What else?  Ah.  We were in a certain room doing something I remember now.

I might have to lie down, again.  I need to eat breakfast later..

Friday, November 1, 2013


Why is my dad talking again?

My parents are threatening me.  They want me out but to control my life.


O No

Sorry Ellen I love you


I had even met a cute guy, today.


How I talk has been affected by a shit dad who likes speaking.  I tried to say order and it got messed up by your shit good for nothing goddamn teens.




Let's see what's on Ellen today, the rest.


Stop threatening me.  I don't give a shit @ any Pennsylvanians.


Stop telling me I did anything wrong.  I deserve what I deserve, and you all just treat me like a nigger.  Give me back!  I didn't do anything.


Ellen, why do you think you get to feel all funny.  I say you don't just you.


You niggers stop making a big deal of everything.

Why did my dad just talk to me?

What stupid thing do you wanna know?

You wanna know if I've m..?  Yes.  A lot in Orlando.  As a kid more before I moved from Florida to the New Orleans area.  What does it mean?  I felt it coming as a kid.  Now, I mean I had gotten addicted thinking it would send me to Heaven.


The former Ellen DeGeneres, whatever that may be, is not stupid?  Just mean @ the n word thing.  How do you know shit @ me, anyway?  I didn't make myself shit!  Shape your life up?  What's it like?  You just don't like me?

New Video

New Video of Me Talking

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Didn't I just say to shut up?

I want my life back, stop it!


I said to stop, Ellen.

Shut up and leave me alone you stupid people!

Are you trying to ruin my life?

I was all happy, but my mom came home bothering me and then telling me I did something wrong it seemed, upset @ the people acting like I'm like my dad in a bad way Ellen thinks so it seems..  Well, I mean, I got over it, but they wouldn't quit.  I felt better later, but they gave my mom the wrong order.  I feel unsafe..

What is this?

What's wrong with stupid Ellen?  I didn't do anything.  Stupid like erratical Johnny Depp.





Ellen just craps in my life and goes on her show like nothing happened.  I mean my mom has been weird and something because of her.  Sorry, I just wanted to say crap, sissies.




I didn't do anything.  Why is Ellen at such peace?  With her show?  Shitting in my life, whoever it was.. she did but I don't wanna connect the word to her.


People are addicted to hurting me when I get mad, and Ellen probably did it on purpose.
What is this shit, anyway?  You're all too dumb.  No, I am not talking @ anyone.


My "young" mom gets so mad at me.  She had an even younger mom.


She was attractive.


Why was my dad's youngest sister so happy??  I was never treated like her.

Wale! (Well)

My dad took me to 2 cities he grew up in in northern Pennsylvania, and we saw 2 movies in NY.


My gramma is mad at me for not seeing|talking to her as much before, but at the same time she seems not to hold any interest in me as a human being relaxed..  Why go back up and see all those watching eyeballs - hold up - THEY DID THE MASH - THEY DID THE MONSTER MASH - THEY DID THE MASH - Why'd I say that?  My gramma like kept pushing my cheek bone, all I can forgive her for for it is if she dies.


My old choir director would never be in a choir, and Sarah Brightman would never sing for her.


If Ellen DeGeneres would like me, why does my dad act like he's more of an accomplished human being?

What are ya'lls moms and dads like?

I know my dad is pretty ***y, esp. with young people.

My mom is considered so sweet and so nice to have had the pleasure of viewing.

YouTube Comment

Sarah Brightman - Concert - Scarborough Fair


I loved it so much how she did it for us at ours.

New Video

New Video of Me Singing

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I added titles to the photos.

New Photos

New Photos of Me

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Guess what's funny for me?  I heard a car and it sounded like a big, nice person saying, "NOW -- THERE .. IS .. !!!NO ONE!!!"  You know, the joke @ people from Florida not being as active in the brain.


Did my parents allow me to be raised to do anything like a normal person?  I am normal.  If I'm not, it's just their fault and other families have their own problems not caused by the existence of mine.  You should have gotten that straight.


I rearranged the tags at the top, a mistake!

These Things

I do get over them, sometimes when I find out, sometimes might "feel like crying" but not do it..  Often, I get over it after my reaction..  Isn't that not as bad as otherwise?

What I Did

I just felt mad, didn't mean anything.  I ended up not cursing much, but I was cleanin and throwing stuff away.  I don't even know if I cursed nor how I avoided it precisely.  I didn't think violent thoughts.  I just was violent in my attitude in some platform.  I just felt anger, not something I made, more of a reaction than a response.  It was very much a reaction.  It seems that the medicine I'm on isn't enough for this family member or relative.

I got the message.

I'm supposed to post things that bother me rather than get mad later.  Why did my aunt fall from the sky and through our roof (no hard feelings, just joking to be witty or funny-ish..) and like seem to wreck my birthday party with my family, with whom I felt grateful to be with at the time?  It seemed to ruin our bond.

Then, my gramma is acting like this is a problem and I didn't even tell her.  My other aunt is dipping in on the issue in ways, as well, I don't wanna think @ quite so..


Ender's Game.  It was so funny when the kids were all on 1 side looking at the adults feeling so uncomfortable on the other.  People would blame me that I feel like I make fun of them.  It seems there's too much give and take with some people.


I got an Elsa doll.

I wonder why I was so mad, yesterday.. what..  It just made me think weird thoughts.  That 1 thing wasn't why but the whole box office will see.  Oh well.. whatever happens happens..  I'm not really mad now.  I wonder @ when I do the dishes, like ironing something would tip me.

Wah ah ah now I got a bad blog, too.  I found that people were happy I talked @ it, I think.  Just not to get too upset @ anything.


may or may not post

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