Sunday, November 3, 2013


in a while..


may or may not post

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I'm applying to work in Miami Beach, see if I get it..


Why is everyone m.. to the fact I can't sing as in private lessons as a child?  I did sing as a child..  I was an adamant learner.


I edited the layout.

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Website - Quotes

Thinking ahead, that works.  Do what you want in the end now.

New Video

New Video of Me Singing

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A beat can sound cool even if you don't know music-


Is Sarah Brightman's obsession with space a bit babyish, but not in an insulting way..?  It's nice, though.  I just saw an ad.


I saw that smile on Ellen's face thinking I figured something wrong in NOLA.

That's so humiliating like my aunt thinking of how my life has been.  So rude, too, though.  She's constantly an annoyance..

Tis Tis

My aunt born sometime April 1960 and Ellen DeGeneres are very rude @ tween daughters.  My aunt constantly.

Sorry it sounds like an insult, but maybe you see the point of the idea, too.  I just had to talk @ it somehow and am busy..


The tweeny bopper of Material Girl has a totally hoarse voice that makes her sound like a young steed.


Sick from llallo'een.
TV Show

How do things like this end up, anyway?

How do you think most people get by by like not posting online when they're mad at you?

The Flower Duet

The Flower Duet

Sous  le  dôme épais
Under the dome thick

Soo oo le e dawm ay ay pay

Où    le  blanc jasmin
Where the white jasmine

Oo lay blawn jazz mawn

À  la  rose s’assemble
At the rose together

Ah ah la a rose sawn blah

Sur   la  rive  en fleurs,
About the shore in flowers

Sewr la reev ahn fleyu

Riant    au matin
laughing to morning

Ree ahn too metawn

Viens, descendons ensemble.
come   descend    together

Vee awn dee sawn dawn sawn blah

Doucement glissons
gently    floating

Doo Smo Glee Sone (S'ne)

De  son flot charmant
Its risings  charming

Di sone flore char mont

Suivons   le  courant fuyant:
Following the current fleeing:

Swee vone leh-ooh core aun fwee aunt (aun)

Dans lon de frmissante,
In   lon    simmering,

Done lone enduh freh mee saunt (saun)

Dune main nonchalante,
On   hand nonchalant

Deeoon menoonchahlaunt

IMDb Posts

Re: Please dont

by Invincible_Darkhorse101
I'd have said it less bluntly, but yeah, agreed.

by ChristinaAnnBarrett-OrlFL1986
Katy Perry thinks she acts English because she wants to be Ms. Mary Poppins in a hopefully decided remake..

by Invincible_Darkhorse101
I'd prefer the lesser evil twin, Zooey Deschanel.

by ChristinaAnnBarrett-OrlFL1986
I guess I'd prefer to learn to be more English..

Zoey Deschanel is cute.. She has small thick fingernails. I saw on Ellen, her nails painted at the award..

by catman56
A pity she can't act.

by ChristinaAnnBarrett-OrlFL1986
Do you get excited to see what you find?  Someone being mean but not really.

Watcha Think

What do you think of uselessly wasting my time or yours dwelling on something I did that wasn't that bad as anyone made it out to be?


The Soapbox

Re: If you hate america.

No, I live htere 


Re: If God is unchangeable (immutable)

Well, start off the way you want to be, don't wait for the end.

Re: Question about the definition of medical privacy
I am sorta stuck in a home, with parents. I wanna leave. My mom said I have to take psych pills "because the doctor said," but it's ultimately my decision.

Re: Weight Loss

Well, start off slowly, like instead of what you usually eat, just go 1 step down. I actually took a big step and eventually would get a salad each dinner.

The Soapbox

My Gramma..

Well, I thought they wanted me to do it..
.. some people experimenting on me ..

Waring Me Away

Why does my Gramma seem to do that?  Why isn't my aunt talking to me?  She might, this time.  I wanted my cousin online not sending private letters, the last of which she did not respond..

but my gramma is old like she talks @ age.  She thinks she has no choice but to hurt me, seems she took advantange and "is not fogir


I added the full names.


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Website - New Quotes Page

New Videos

New Videos of Me Singing

 photo 2013-05-27-4-1.png

YouTube Comment


Sarah Brightman Concert

Thank you so much for posting this. The concert was just last night! Everyone was recording this, and I felt left out. This was so beautiful I watched it twice so far! I hope the views get up. This piece she sings it sounds so melodic and smooth! It is so divine and perfected. Her movements, as well, are very good. If you're interested, I'm wanting to add 1 basic ballet class to my weekly schedule. I also am a singer. Wow, I loved the effects, too. Such divine singing! :) :) :)


I fixed the link to the 1st song on my Twitter.


Website - Ethnicity at the bottom of About Me


I forgot to rate Titanic - 6/10.  The 1 I sang, the video on YouTube.

What Else Disgusts Me :@

When older people who are attractive all push away younger people like me for reasons like I told them my real race.

Makes Sense

What I hate is older people suddenly acting all psycho like I did something because of Tim Burton and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I give not 1 ounce of approval for these attitudes in different ways..

Letting Out My Feelings @

Sarah going into space, I just feel she has a multi-dimensional attitude @ it that she cannot seem to suppress.  I wonder why she wants to go through all that.

What would you do if you were rich??  Hm, I dunno, maybe I'd get popular.